Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Season over for Parys Haralson

Surgery on a torn pectoral muscle has ended rookie Parys Haralson's rookie season. It's unfortunate for any player and hopefully he'll have a full recovery. Haralson joins Jeremy Newberry, Vickiel Vaughan and Andre Torrey on the IR.

Looking at the IR, the 49ers have managed to stay relatively healthy up to this point in terms of season-ending injuries (knock on wood). They lost Larry Allen for a few weeks and Jonas Jennings was banged up, but for the most part they've stayed healthy. Football is such a violent sport, and when the injuries pile up it can be hard to maintain any sort of momentum. For a young team like the 49ers, this momentum is an essential part of the rebuilding process. If they 49ers can stay healthy, it's one more step in getting back to respectability and the playoffs.

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