Saturday, November 11, 2006

49ers Announcement of Move to Santa Clara - Part 2 - The Political Games

While poking around the Internet yesterday, I came across the news that Dianne Feinstein had brought Mayor Newsom together with John York to discuss the issues at hand. After Mayor Newsom expressing his shock at the 49ers abrupt dismissal of the city, I couldn't help but be slightly amused.

I think the Mayor is a good guy but I don't think a stadium in San Francisco was ever going to get done (obviously easier to say this after the fact). First the Mayor and now Assemblyman Mark Leno are trying to keep the 49ers from using San Francisco in their name. This just seems like political grand standing by both men. It seems like a person's legacy is a huge thing in politics. For the Gav his first legacy was his actions surrounding the gay marriage issue. Now that that has quieted down around here, I believe his "next" legacy is a combination of things. Getting the Olympics in 2016 would seem like the obvious answer to the legacy question and losing a new 49ers stadium might just kill that. However, I think that while the Olympics are a small part of that, the big part is rebuilding Bayview and Hunter's Point. A new stadium would create a rare opportunity to completely rebuild that area of town. Mayor Newsom is a very socially aware mayor and he knows he would leave quite a legacy rebuilding that area.

It remains to be seen how this little soap opera will play out. I really don't see the 49ers staying in San Francisco. They'll build their new stadium and I fully expect them to sell out and make gobs of money. As far as I'm concerned, as long as they stay in the Bay Area I'm fine with it. As long as they are selling out games AND more importantly, on my tv set every Sunday or Monday I'll be happy as a clam.

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